7 Email Marketing Metrics You Should Track

7 Email Marketing Metrics You Should Track

Email Marketing

Every business owner should analyse these seven email marketing indicators to see how campaigns are functioning, better understand subscribers, and more effectively personalise content.

  • Tracking email marketing can allow you to see if your campaign is effective. 
  • Email marketing stats guide future email campaigns since you’ll know what works.
  • Every business owner should check seven essential email marketing indicators.
  • This post is for business owners who want to increase the success of their email marketing efforts, increase earnings, and grow their company.

Many elements contribute to effective email marketing, but the only way to know if you’re reaping the advantages of a good email marketing campaign is to measure your metrics. But what email marketing KPIs should you be measuring in the first place? Here’s a look at the most important KPIs affecting your business.

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Importance of Tracking Email Metrics

Before delving into the seven most significant email marketing metrics, it’s critical to understand why tracking these data is one of the most effective email marketing tactics you can use.

Tracking your email marketing allows you to have a better understanding of how your subscribers interact with your material. You won’t have a clear picture of how your material connects with your subscribers or whether your efforts are paying off until you track your stats. 

Metrics tracking also helps to influence future email marketing initiatives. When you can see what works and what doesn’t, you’ll know what changes to make. 

For example, your subject lines may entice your readers, but when they open the email, the content is missing and uninteresting. You may potentially be losing a huge number of subscribers since your emails are constantly being spammed. 

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7 Email Marketing Metrics and key Performance Indicators to Monitor

The email marketing KPIs you should monitor are determined by your objectives. Each campaign is distinct, and you may have different priorities for different campaigns. 

However, unique email marketing analytics should be examined for each campaign. The following are the top seven email marketing KPIs you should monitor:

1. Open rate

Monitoring your open rate is the first place to start. The open rate is a pretty basic KPI that you should examine. Your open rate tells you what subscriber percentage actually opens your emails. 

A low open rate may suggest a problem with your subject lines, so keeping track of it is beneficial. And your campaign is unlikely to succeed if your receivers do not open your emails.

If your open rates are low, you can try experimenting with different subject lines to determine which ones resonate the best with your audience. You may A/B test different subject lines with your email marketing company to determine which ones work the best. 
Here are a few ideas you can test:
  • Using a question vs. a statement
  • Adding emojis
  • Using different subject line lengths
  • Adding a subscriber’s name to the subject line

Finally, divide the number of opened emails by the number sent to determine your open rate and evaluate how you’re doing. You’ll want to keep your open rate between 15% and 25%. If your score is lower than the national average, it’s time to reconsider your first strategy.

2. Bounce rate

When it comes to increasing your email list, nothing is more disappointing than discovering that a big number of your emails are not even reaching your subscribers. Another key indicator to monitor is the bounce rate.

There are several reasons why you should monitor your bounce rate. For starters, a high bounce rate might assist you in determining whether you have a large list of bogus email addresses in your system. Many people will provide a bogus email address in order to gain access to your email opt-in without having to provide their personal information. 

A huge number of phoney email addresses will have a substantial influence on your bounce rate, and a high bounce rate can harm your company’s reputation. If your kickback rate is excessive, your account may be suspended. Knowing your bounce rate is critical for removing bogus subscribers.
Using a double opt-in method is a fantastic technique to limit the amount of bogus subscribers. A subscriber will get an email to confirm their membership after signing up for your email list using a double opt-in. If they do not complete the last step, they will not be added to your email list.

3. Click-through rate

Your click-through rate examines how many individuals clicked on the links in your email, and this number can provide insight into how many people read your messages carefully. 

It’s worth noting that click-through rates aren’t always as high as open rates. The fact that someone opened your email does not guarantee that they will click on any of the links.
Make sure you’re providing personalised and relevant material to your receivers if you want to enhance your click-through rate. This may be accomplished by segmenting your audience based on region, occupation, and whether or not they are a client. 
If your click-through rate does not seem to increase despite making suitable modifications to your content, you may be targeting the incorrect audience. Make certain that you only contact those who are interested in your goods. 
Furthermore, you should be aware of your existing marketing demography. The interests of your previous subscribers alter as time passes. Make sure your marketing strategy is up to date. 

4. Unsubsribe rate

It is critical to understand how many individuals unsubscribe from your list. Your unsubscribe rate will show how many individuals no longer want to receive emails from you. When you log in to your email provider, you should see this information on your dashboard.

If your company has lost subscribers, it is not always a bad sign. Not everyone is a good match for your company, and removing unengaged subscribers frees up space for the appropriate folks. 

Every email you send should provide a simple mechanism for your subscribers to opt out of receiving future communications. Making it simple for consumers to unsubscribe will aid in the development of trust with your audience. 

5. Conversion Rate

Your conversion rate tells you how many individuals clicked on a link in your email and subsequently took a certain action, such as making a purchase or signing up. However, it extends beyond determining your click-through rate. After all, just because someone clicks on a link doesn’t indicate they’ll buy anything.  

Tracking your conversion rate allows you to see firsthand if the money you’re investing in marketing is paying off. The conversion rate will notify you if no one clicks on your links and purchases your product. 

The simplest approach to calculate your conversion rate is to divide the number of purchases by the total number of emails sent. The result will be multiplied by 100. For example, your conversion rate is 5% if you have 100 transactions after sending 2,000 emails.
If your discussion rate isn’t optimal, tweaking your subject lines or modifying your content might be the solution. However, you should also consider other important variables, such as whether your landing page is easily accessible. 
If your customers have trouble signing up, you will most likely lose them from your email list. They will not even get to the stage where they have the opportunity to buy from your organisation.

6. Device statistics

Monitoring device data allows you to monitor how your subscribers access and read your emails. This is significant because different devices show information in different ways. For example, your emails will appear differently on a mobile device than on a PC. 

More and more people are reading their email on their phones rather than a desktop computer. This is especially true if the majority of your subscribers are under the age of 35. As a result, it’s critical to make sure your emails are mobile-friendly. 

In addition, brief paragraphs and plenty of white space are recommended in your emails. It’s ideal to keep the quantity of photographs to a minimum; if you must utilise graphics, make them tiny and easily visible. This ensures that your emails are swiftly examined.

7.Spam reporting

It is critical to understand which mailbox receives your outgoing messages. It’s an issue if the majority of your emails land up in the spam folder of a subscriber. Messages that go to spam are regularly reported, which might harm your deliverability rating in the long term. 

You also want to ensure that nothing is going wrong on your end that is causing your mails to go to spam. If you send too many emails to spam, your account may be disabled, and you will no longer be allowed to send emails. Your reputation, like your bounce rate, might suffer if your emails are regularly reported as spam. 

If you continue to receive a high spam score, it might suggest that your subscribers aren’t appreciating what you’re giving them. It’s an excellent moment to assess your email marketing plan, no matter how difficult it may appear.

The Bottom Line

You’ll have a better understanding of how your efforts are functioning if you make it a priority to track these seven email marketing KPIs. It will also help you better understand your subscribers and the kind of material they want. 

Everything begins with your subject lines and if they convince your readers to open the email. You may never get them back if you lose them before they even read the email. 

It’s also critical to keep track of how many individuals click on the links in the emails you send. If you’re having trouble getting your subscribers to take action, you should start segmenting your email list so you can send more personalised content.

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